Kaleidos Makeup

Brand Strategy

Kaleidos Makeup is an indie makeup company from China that sells products in China and overseas. Within the first two years of launching the brand, Kaleidos had established itself as a key player in the US, European, and Australian indie makeup market.

Target audience:
Quality-oriented, artistic makeup enthusiasts.

Winning Strategies:
1.) A focus on eyeshadow, because:

  • Eyeshadow is easily differentiated by product quality.

  • Eyeshadow is great for producing artistic, eye-catching makeup content.

2.) Leveraging highly-trusted, fast-growing micro-influencers, because:

  • Micro-influencers have extremely high conversion rates.

  • Micro-influencers are brand loyal as their channels benefit from brand association.

3.) Collaboration products, because:

  • They give followers a chance to share a personal experience with their favorite influencer.

  • They are highly attractive products for other emerging influencers to film with and boost their own engagement rates.


  • An annual sales volume of over $2.5 million USD within the first two years.

  • A marketing ROI of 15:1.

